©️2019 - 2024
Yuyue Zhou. All rights reserved.


Chinese artist Zhou Yuyue graduated from the University of Arts London. He works and lives in both Hangzhou and London. He is a self-media artist engaged in painting and contemporary art installations.

The artwork of the artist Yuyue Zhou primarily revolves around his profound awareness of queer identity in Chinese society and within the family environment. As a queer, he places his reflections on identity and gender within a society and family unit where homosexuality has yet to be widely accepted and legalized. Through this, he explores the irreconcilable conflicts and contradictions between the personal and the collective, concepts, and institutions, as well as the emotional struggles that arise within the queer community under the gaze of society.

Zhou Yuyue's creative process initially stems from his perception of the everyday, drawing inspiration from the uncertainty of daily events. In his installation works, he focuses on the fictionalization of daily events and the fabrication of “real performances”. He constructs narratives around everyday objects to form scenes with absurd and dramatic effects, incorporating elements of self-mockery and provocation. Through this, he explores the viewer's experience of events and their forces.

Subsequently, he shifted his focus more towards the "individual," he often expresses his emotions and individual existence through self-perception in daily life and the metaphors of objects, including the cognitive representations of personal identity and gender within society and groups. Dreams, memories, and self-portraits are the main themes of his work. The artist places himself in surreal scenes, where reality is always reflected in mirrors, projecting his inner world and creating a rich emotional and sensory experience for the viewer.

Inspired by Judith Butler's "gender performativity theory," Zhou Yuyue incorporates fluid gender and the intertwined emotional experiences into his work. The other "self" under gender fluidity often appears as an Eastern image in his paintings: a presence whose gender is visually blurred. This serves as a symbol of the conflict and integration of self-identity recognition, while also becoming a concrete expression of emotions.

Since graduating, Yuyue Zhou has held several group and solo exhibitions at art museums and galleries in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. Additionally, he is a principal curator in the curatorial team Tproject in China, and he has curated exhibitions in various art museums in the country, such as Chiasso Perduto, Sanshang Contemporary Art Museum, etc. His works revolve around each exhibition as well as interacting with and participating in the work of international artists. His painting works have been used in many collaborations with clothing brands and magazines, such as Ein and Modern Weekly.